How Delta’s UPS powers the Baltic’s largest data center
How Delta’s UPS powers the Baltic’s largest data center
Pertti Lipponen
Sales Manager at Delta Solutions

Delta’s leading-edge UPS systems power telecom data center’s pioneering data center


Tallinn, Estonia, is now home to the Baltics’ largest, state-of-the-art data center, powered by Delta’s UPS solutions.


To address the pressing need for reliable and sustainable data center infrastructure in Eastern and Central Europe, and to set a gold standard in power reliability and consumption transparency.

  • Unique UPS for every suite, ensuring precise power consumption tracking and minimized power disruption risks
  • Broad UPS portfolio from Delta, adaptable from 1kVA to 500kVA, offering versatility and scalability
  • Reduced total cost of ownership, merging technological advancement with cost-efficiency
  • Hands-on demonstration of efficiency, reliability, and durability at Delta’s demo site in Soest, Germany, solidifying the choice of Delta’s UPS
  • Seamless project execution, even in pandemic times, thanks to effective collaboration and prompt support
  • Ushering in a new era of digital advancement for the region with unparalleled power reliability
One of Delta’s telecom data center clients has recently unveiled a cutting-edge facility in Tallinn, Estonia, marking a significant milestone in the region’s data center infrastructure. A key element in this achievement was the integration of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) from Delta, a decision that was significantly influenced by a visit to the Delta Experience Center in Soest, Germany.

Despite progress in digital infrastructure across Eastern and Central Europe, there remained a critical need for reliable, purpose-built data centers. This challenge was met by one of our leading telecom data center clients, spearheaded by telecom and tech expert Üllar Jaaksoo. Their solution? The construction of the largest data center in the Baltics, designed to deliver unparalleled reliability and security. Central to this vision was the selection of the right UPS systems, and this is where Delta’s expertise played a pivotal role.

Building a Landmark Data Center

As part of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) aimed at strengthening EU cohesion, the Tallinn data center is more than just a facility; it symbolizes the powerful intersection of public policy and private enterprise. Spanning 14,500 m² with a 31.5 MW power capacity, this cutting-edge data center is set to ensure reliable digital services across the region.

The Unique UPS Needs

Each private suite within the facility is equipped with its own dedicated UPS – a distinctive feature that sets this data center apart. This design enhances transparency in power consumption and minimizes risks associated with power disruptions. The challenge lay in finding a provider that could meet these specific needs while also supplying modular UPS units for the entire facility.

Delta’s Comprehensive Solution

After a thorough selection process, our telecom client chose Delta, largely due to our extensive UPS portfolio, which ranges from 1kVA to 500kVA. Delta’s UPS models stood out for their technological superiority and competitive total cost of ownership. A critical moment in this decision-making process was the client’s visit to Delta’s Experience Center in Soest, Germany.

Experience the Power

The Delta Experience Center in Soest is more than just a display of our capabilities—it’s a testament to Delta’s commitment to power innovation. Visitors here can witness the immense 3.6 megawatts of raw power, demonstrating the full potential of Delta’s UPS systems. This hands-on experience allowed our telecom client to see firsthand the efficiency, reliability, and durability of our solutions, ultimately solidifying their decision to partner with Delta.

Smooth Execution in Testing Times

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic and the complexities of new construction, the project advanced smoothly, supported by Delta’s partner, DC Solutions Estonia. Any minor issues during installation were swiftly resolved by Delta’s support team based in Slovakia, ensuring that the Tallinn systems became fully operational as planned.

A Testimony to Collaboration


The Chief Development Officer of our telecom client, Kert Evert, praised the project’s success and emphasized the crucial role that Delta’s UPS solutions played. Likewise, Margus Sinisaar, CEO of DC Solutions Estonia, and myself, Pertti Lipponen, Sales Manager at Delta Solutions Finland, celebrated the long-standing collaboration that brought this project to fruition. With the Tallinn data center now fully operational, the region is well-positioned to harness the potential of digital advancements, all while benefiting from unmatched power reliability.

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